Friday, February 22, 2008

Yesterday was a most enjoyable day. We took a short trip down to Cotati to see how everything is going down there, and enjoyed the green hills, new lambs and calves in the fields and the acacia trees in full bloom. Daffodils are everywhere and the creeks and streams are high. All was fine down there and we had a Chinese take-home lunch of cashew chicken, rice and vegetables. We got to take the leftovers home and ate them for dinner. So I didn't have to cook a thing. A treat for me.
Tonight we are having split pea soup, which is simmering on the stove at this moment. I am trying to follow the dietary guideline of having beans or legumes at least twice a week. The advice to have five servings of fruit and vegetables every day is a little harder to follow.
Did you watch the debate last night? I made sure I was parked in front of the TV at five o'clock, and thought they both were pretty good. Hillary still looked like she would have wanted to be a cheer leader, and seemed a little too much controlled, but they were both easy to understand. I guess we will have Obama as our candidate, though, he somehow seems to have the magic touch. There is no way to tell ahead of time which one will be most effective.
I wonder if other people spend as much time as I do looking for things? I particularly am prone to mislay my glasses and hearing aids. Then after I have searched for them in vain, I will find them somewhere in plain sight, right where I left them. I searched all morning for my reading glasses and then when I went to get something out of my purse, there they were!
Tomorrow is the annual meeting of the Austin Creek Homeowners Association, and I am going to go, thanks to my neighbor who is going to give me a ride. We used to ride our bicycles down there, but that was long ago. Take care, keep in touch.

1 comment:

Tamca said...

They agree on so much but I like Obama's ideas for Health Care Reform better. Hillary tried to get a bit nasty only that once and was well booed. Obama kept it an honorable discussion. I imagine it will be Quite different when we get to the two party debates.
Yes it was a lovely outing yesterday.
We had 2 dozen Robin's in out yard today plus all the other birds. Sammy is doing so well on her leash. A lot less trouble than chasing her around.