Monday, February 25, 2008

A bonus day

Yesterday we had a wild and wet spring storm, which reminded me of a poem I read a long time ago:
Whenever the moon and stars are set
Whenever the wind is high
All night long in the dark and wet
A man goes riding by.
Late at night, when the fires are out
Why does he gallop and gallop about?

We don't have thunder very often, but the lashing rain and tossing tree branches are spectacular to watch. Our house sits on a little hillock, so we have the sensation of being in a tree house and we can see down to the little creek that runs below our place and watch as it gets higher and faster moving. Sometimes the road below the house floods out and cars can't get through. Doesn't happen very often, though.
Today it was warm and sunny. A few fluffy white clouds floated across the sky, but mainly it was bright and warm all day. Bill went food shopping and I took the opportunity to clean house and do laundry, Why do we get so much done when we are alone in the house?
Were you as bored with the Oscars as I was? I watched the whole thing and for the life of me I couldn't dredge up any interest in it at all. Mostly I think the commercials were tedious.
As you can see, today was pretty much a day like most others. But to old timers like us, each day is a bonus.

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