Friday, February 1, 2008

Income taxes and books

To my vast relief, I have finished my income tax forms and only owe a little bit in taxes. I successfully navigated the dreaded alternative minimum tax form, and calculated my taxable social security. It is easy now, as I have only retirement income to deal with, but I am still glad to have it done with. When my neighbor called me this morning, I told her to consider me dead for the day, but to my surprise I was done by noon. I guess I will go ahead and send it in early, even though it is against my principles to send the government money early. When I get a refund, they don't send me any interest. But the amount is so small, it really doesn't matter.

We are listening to a really good book tape about Fort Pillow, held by the Union army during the Civil War. The Confederates are about to attack it, and we are enjoying the drama that is unfolding. We don't always finish all of the books but we will no doubt finish this.

Way back when, before we had radios, television, movies or computers, our basic means of entertainment was by reading. Our parents didn't encourage this habit, as it interfered with our chores, but we found ways of getting around this impediment. I still remember the thrill of getting a library card. What wonders were displayed before my eyes! Rows and rows of books. I thought I was in heaven.

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