Wednesday, February 6, 2008

An unexpected visit

We had a surprise visit from a pair of smiling, sincere missionaries from the Jehovah's Witnesses group this morning, and because it was so cold and they were so eager, we invited them in. How they keep smiling and keep knocking on doors I really don't know. Most people simply slam the door in their faces and turn them away. They earnestly gave me a couple of pamphlets to read and assured me that God loves me and is watching over me at all times. I explained that I am a skeptic and have pursued many ideas in my time, and even hauled out a picure of Swami Chinmayananda to show them. But they know what they know and there was no changing either their beliefs or mine. I do think they probably walked away shaking their heads over a sinner like myself and perhaps even recited a prayer or two in my behalf. It reminded me of the two very presentable young Mormons who came to my door in Larkspur, and treated me to a lesson in the Mormon religion. I remember that I gave them sandwiches and milk, and they came again a couple of times after that. (Probably for the snack.)
Dreadful news about the tornados. Everytime I turn on the news the list of casualties has grown longer. I suppose the fundamentalists would say that it is the will of God. We have earthquakes and forest fires, but for sheer destruction a tornado has no equal. There is no telling when they will come or where they will touch down.
We are munching on popcorn and listening to a book tape. Our new electric heater came today, so we are warm and cozy. Our little cat likes to cuddle right up to the side of the heater and almost jam her head under it. Like all cats, she likes to be warm at all times.
Feel free to comment. I look forward to hearing from you.

1 comment:

Dieverdog said...

It's nice that you don't turn away the Jehova's Witnesses, even if you won't be swayed by their spiel. I try to be kind and take the pamphlets but what I found works best (after many years) is to simply tell them I'm a Catholic (which I am, though that's not the whole story)... that sends them on their way every time for some reason. Maybe they figure Catholics are lost causes, who knows? But it's nice to treat them with kindness as they are only trying to God's work in their own way, and you have to admire their tenacity, especially in this day and age.