Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Well, I am in a little better mood tonight. In fact, i am quite elated. The sight of that chubby little press representative standing there dissing President Bush has sent me into a much better frame of mind. We have all been thinking just what he is saying and then some. I must say, he doesn't present himself in a very good light either, having held the job and taken the money all that time. They are very well paid, I am sure. It should help the election go Democratic, anyway. I am going to vote for Obama, let's see what he can do.
I heard Dick Gregory talk on the radio yesterday, and was amazed at how sharp and well versed he is. Everything he says, humorous or not, makes sense. He was on the Imus in the Morning show, which we usually don't listen to. I guess we are changing our habits in our old age. My husband would say "about time." One thing we have to do is realize that we don't have to do anything. Having been raised to believe that work is a virtue, and idleness is a sin, we simply cannot just relax and do nothing. That is, my husband cannot. I have no problem whatever, ha, ha.
We will have the little boxer dog until Sunday, and then she will go back home for a week or two. It's a form of shared custody, only with a dog. She has fallen in love with my husband, and follows him wherever he goes. She is also a chow hound and eats everything she can find, in the house or out.
I am munching on chocolate chips and walnuts, and feeling better and better. We are listening to a book tape and will probably finish it tonight. Ah, peace and quiet! Take care.

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