Monday, April 7, 2008

a regular day

When I first starting blogging, I wondered if I would have enough to write about in my quiet and uneventful life. but something happens every day here that is interesting or amusing. Today it was the arrival of a refund check from PG@E for the munificent sum of $50.00. When I saw that check I was reminded of the scholarship fund I received from my High School, rewarding me for being class valedictorian. It was for the grand sum of $50.00! I had worked hard for four years for that scholarship, and don't even remember getting it, anyway. I did go to college, though, and enjoyed my short time there greatly. It was a one-building affair, now a large university, and the classes were small enough that I soon knew everyone there and managed to get on the newspaper and yearbook staff. Being on the newspaper was wonderful, as I got to go to the football games and met all of the football players, a thrill for a shy country girl like me. As I wrote in an earlier blog, I was drafted out of college in my second year and sent out to teach, due to the teacher shortage. While I was in college I worked for the art teacher and met Thomas Hart Benton and Marian Anderson, as well as some singers whose names have now fled my memory.
But back to the refund check from PG@E. My neighbor across the street still hasn't gotten hers, and every day comes over asking anxiously, "Did it come yet?" Of all of the people in our little enclave, she is the one who most needs the money. She lives alone on a very limited income and I almost hated to tell her today that my check had come. I suppose it will go as fast as it came. Frugal we are not. Our motto has always been "Easy come, easy go." But that is what money is for, and we enjoy spending it as much now as we did years ago. I love comments, keep in touch.

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