Friday, October 24, 2008

Thou Shalt Not

This afternoon I attended a memorial for a friend from my writing class who had sadly passed away. We gathered together to read some of her poems and remember her humor and kindness. In looking up her poems in my collection of writings, I came across some of my own little essays and memoirs. I will insert one or two from time to time, but tonight I thought I would put in a few sentences from one of my shorter offerings. It is titled "Thou Shalt Not" and follows below:
1. Thou shalt not nag Thou spouse.
2. Thou shalt not heap scorn upon Thy spouse"s diminishing physical capabilities.
3. Thou shalt not buy lottery tickets with the grocery money.
4. Thou shalt not tell Thy wife that her new outfit makes her look fat.
5. Thou shalt not leave the toilet seat up.
6. Thou shalt not tell Thy wife how to drive the car.
7. Thou shalt not sneak money out of Thy husband's wallet.
8. Thou shalt not let the dog sleep on Thy bed.
9. Thou shalt not sneak into the kitchen in the middle of the night and drink up all of the milk.
We had a lot of fun with this offering, with the members of the class adding their own admonitions and some pithy comments were exchanged. The class has disbanded now, as some of the members are incapacitated or have moved to retirement homes. I suppose more and more we will be attending memorials, as we are all now in our late eighties or even nineties. But it is a segment in my life that I remember with great fondness.

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