Thursday, October 2, 2008

They went ahead and did it

Hi. Ye Gods, they passed the bail-out bill! We're supposed to call it the rescue package, but let's call it what it is, a bail-out of the big banks and corporations. I was and still am opposed to the action, but I have no doubt it will pass the House and become a fact of life.
This has been a hectic and nerve wracking week. I have to confess that I have sat crouched over the Television for hours on end listening to the debates in the house and watching the voting as it went down the tubes. Of course the Senate passed it and one would have to admit that it was inevitable that it would be passed. Now the House will pass it and we will resign ourselves to watching history unfold once again. I don't subscribe to the gloom and doom attitude, however. I think we would have been all right letting the stock market take its course. I can say that with a light heart, as I don't and never have owned any stocks or bonds. Neither have I or my husband made large purchases with our credit cards and we always paid cash for our cars and furniture. I can't remember when credit cards came into being, but we have about twelve of them which we keep in a drawer and never use. We use one of them for small purchases and pay up the balance every month.
This has been a fun week as well, as we went to a rip-roaring party on Saturday, with good food and wine, music and dancing and about two hundred guests singing and dancing. I tried to coax my husband out onto the dance floor, as they were dancing the "Minnesota Two-Step", which he knows how to do, but he refused to budge, and sat at the table charming the other two ladies who shared the table with us. I mingled among the other tables and met a lady who claimed to have been married and widowed four times, and had sixteen grandchildren. I rather think she was spoofing me. Later i saw her dancing the boogie-woogie with a nimble-footed elderly gentleman.
Last Sunday my family were all here for my birthday, and I got to rock my little great-granddaughter to sleep, singing songs to her and reciting nursery rhymes. My husband said she fell asleep to escape my singing!
Tonight will be the VP debate, and in preparation we are having TV dinners so we will have no dishwashing chores after we eat. These are indeed exciting times. Glad I am still here for them.


Random Thoughts said...

I am curious to hear what your view of the VP debates were.

Random Thoughts said...

Also I may be young (enough), that is I am half a life from retirement. I started my retirement fund late for my generation and I do not make much money, but in the last year my retirement has decreased 33% 16% was in the last month. I am thankful for the rescue attempt (and I do say attempt as I am hopeful it will restore confidence in the country and it's economy and the market).

Grandma Dottie said...

Sarah Palin did better than I thought she would, but to me Biden did do a better job. He exhibited real emotion when he talked about his wife and daughter and his two sons and the car accident. I think Palin was thrust prematurely into the maelstrom of politics and is doing the best she can. I sure hope the rescue plan works but it just might do more harm than good. I studied investment theory in college but it is so complicated no one really knows what the future holds.