Friday, October 31, 2008

The first rain of the season

Today we are having our first real rainstorm of the fall, and it is so pleasant we have been sitting around all morning enjoying it. The trees are blowing around and there are leaves all over the ground. It will make it a little wet for trick or treaters. but they never seem to mind. We are somewhat isolated here, but we always get about twenty or so, and we really do love to see them.
My neighbor called to say that she had read that in California it is possible to practice medicine without a license. Where in the world did she read that? I went onto the internet and looked at several newspapers, including the S. F. Chronicle, and found nothing like that at all. I hope she brings the article over - I would like to see it. Not that I would consult an unlicensed practitioner but it is a matter of interest, at least.
The election is coming up and none too soon, as far as I am concerned. I have even gotten a little bored with Obama, eloquent speaker as he is. Sometimes I listen to him and the cadence of his voice mesmerizes me, but when he is done, I have no idea what he said. We used to get the same effect from listening to Swami Chinmayananda when we attended his classes. It was as though we were hypnotized!
I didn't vacuum the carpets today, even though they could use a good cleaning. I am trying to follow my own advice to lighten up on my compulsive cleaning, so I forced myself to just let them be. It wasn't all that hard, ha, ha!
Bye, take care and keep in touch.

1 comment:

Random Thoughts said...

I wish we didn't live on opposites sides of the country. You mention you have compulsive cleaning, I would hire you to work some of that magic on me. Teach me how to be a bit more compulsive about my cleaning habits. I have made a goal to make a cleaning schedule and stick to it (knowing it will need to be adjusted), but I just can't find the time to get organized enough to clean or think about when I can clean. Sometimes i feel as if my life is too busy other times, I feel I don't use my time well enough.