Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A happy day

What a wonderful day. We had a visit from my little great-granddaughter and her mom and Dad, and it was pure joy. She is crawling everywhere and trying to stand up by herself, and what a workout it was to keep up with her. Her mom is going to have to baby-proof the house and quick! She was found standing up in her crib all by herself, and today she tried to crawl up from the family room to the living room. She is interested in everything, and growing like a little flower.
To add to our pleasure, we are having a visit from the little boxer dog, this time longer than a few days. We are sure she will add years to our lives, keeping us alert and active. I guess we have been a little too sedentary lately but with her here we have to keep going.
Otherwise, it is a quiet evening, with only depressing news on TV, so we are listening to the radio instead. We listen to Coast to Coast radio, and the outlandish subjects they pursue keep us entertained (and sometimes awake) throughout the night. I'm afraid I just cannot believe in shadow people or visits from other worlds. I don't believe I can regress to former lives or make contact with departed loved ones. I am a skeptic. Won't it be interesting to find out the actual truth at the end? I'm not exactly looking forward to it, but it will come to us all in the end.

1 comment:

Random Thoughts said...

I hope you enjoy your visit with the dog. My dog is visiting my mom's house while I am busy on my vacation. He is at the luxury resort, being spoiled and loved 24/7.