Friday, June 4, 2010

We all make mistakes

Hi. My husband thought I was a little critical in my blog last evening, even denying that the incident ever happened at all. But since I wrote it the day after it happened, I know that it is all true. Not that I haven't had my moments as well, such as the time that I tried to take the cover of the pressure cooker off too soon, and had steam burns all over my face and arms, and cobs of corn scattered all over the kitchen floor. Or the time I put socks on the legs of the step ladder to protect the floor, and had the thing scoot across the floor and collapse, gashing my head on the metal bracket. Or the day I stumbled on the bike path down by the railroad tracks and had to go to the doctor to get stitches in my face. So I can't really point the finger at him for his transgressions, after all. No one is perfect. (I still have a visible scar on my face under my right eye.)
Well, live and let live. He is at this moment out in the kitchen cooking some flat noodles to go with the Bergundy stew we just cooked up and I trust it will be tasty. I will now go onto Facebook and see what is going on out in the outerworld. Night all. Keep in touch.

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