Friday, November 6, 2009

Another Day

I had intended to be more productive with my blogging, but laziness has set in, along with the events of the past couple of days, which kept me glued to the television. I am referring to the horrible massacre at Fort Hood, and the one in Florida at the office building. The fact that the camera takes us right to the scene makes it even more horrifying. It seems that all we see anymore are mass murders, suicide bombings and massacres. What has become of the world? A commentator noted that these events don't occur in Norway, Sweden or the Netherlands. Our cities are places of horror, with innocent people being gunned down on the streets every day. Even in our isolated little community, violence takes place, though not nearly as often. Maybe it's time for me to become a recluse, and rely on books and book tapes for amusement.
How am I doing with my new recipes? I made a very good chicken and wine dish a couple of days ago, and last night served up a very good Swiss steak. Tonight we are having left-overs, not my favorite meal but it must be done. Luckily for me, my husband will eat just about anything!
We are having a very light rain here today, with the thermometer on the tree outside the window reading 45. It doesn't seem that chilly when i step out onto the deck, but our old cat went outside for only a moment and came scooting back in a hurry. She is over 25 and beginning to slow down. But like the battery in the advertisement, she keeps going and going.
Well, keep in touch. Bye.

1 comment:

Dieverdog said...

Glad to hear your kitty is still around... 25 years that is AMAZING! She's seen a lot for a cat! I hope my London lasts that long! He's full enough of vinegar to do just that!