Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A lovely day

To my delight I had a comment on my last blog. I tried to answer, but my computer tripped me up, so i will thank my correspondent here. I love to hear from all of you, it motivates me to keep writing.
I had a most delightful day today, having lunch with old friends with whom I had formed a lasting bond over many years. There were twelve or so of us and the food was delicious and the conversation warm and stimulating. We used to meet once a week to share our writings and musings and when the group could no langer meet together, we all felt the loss. We shared our most cherished memories and laughed and cried together.
The memorial for the fallen soldiers was toucing and memorable, but it brought to mind a funeral procession i watched at the Presideo in San Francisco many years ago. I was waiting for a bus, when coming down the street I heard the muffled beat of drums and the slow cadence of marching feet. It was a cadre of soldiers, bearing a single casket on a sort of gurney. There were no mourners. No music playeed and no flag draped the coffin. But there was something ineffably sad about this soldier, going alone and unmourned to his resting place. Would someone say a prayer over his grave? I have thought about that lonely spot many times and call to mind the famous gravestone in the cemetery where a little drummer boy rests:
Sleep on, brave Tommy and take Thy rest,
God took thee home when he thought best.
My Great-Great-Great Grandpa Levi was a drummer in the Revolutionary war, but that is another story. Keep in touch and take care. Bye

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