Thursday, October 29, 2009

A new recipe and a short walk

Cold weather is coming. When we pulled up the blinds this morning, the windows were all fogged over. It's time to get out the dehumidifier and get it going. It does a good job of drying out the air which does hold a lot of moisture from cooking and showers, and so on. During warm weather it doesn't make any difference, of course.
I have resolved to try out a new recipe at least every other day. Today i made Apple Crisp, a super easy recipe that turned out very well. It satisfied my sweet tooth and contained fresh apples, of which we have a plentiful supply. These are from our own apple tree, much better than the ones we get from the store.
My husband and I meandered down my neighbor's lane to where several tractors are leveling off a portion of the hillside to make a parking space, I suppose. We hadn't been down that way for awhile, and I must confess the walk was a little hard on me. By the time we got back home, i was dizzy and had to rest and drink orange juice to revive myself. This doesn't happen too often, but I always recover. Ha,ha! One never knows.
The house we passed on our walk is empty, with the owner coming up only about once in six months. It sits there, windows covered over and leaves and debris littering the deck and walkway. It was for sale for awhile, but no one even made an offer. Actually. it is quite attractive inside, and is on a huge piece of land. Houses in our neighborhood simply aren't selling, like everywhere else. We thank our lucky stars that we are secure here in our little house.
More soon. Bye and keep in touch.

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