Friday, September 12, 2008

An experiment on the rug.

In a burst of energy today, I spot-cleaned the carpet in the family room.. I can now state, without hesitation, that shaving cream works better than detergent. Neither worked perfectly, but it was ground-in grime, and really needs to be steam-cleaned with a good machine. Which I will do when I get around to it. This is a heavy traffic area, and has never been cleaned in the several years we have had it down. However, it does indicate that I am feeling better. Last week I could barely find my way from one chair to another, I was so lethargic.
I received a CD in the mail today, containing 65 minutes of music by Mozart, along with a little book with background information about his life and works. I felt guilty about keeping it, and read the accompanying printed material, trying to find out if by keeping it I am obligating myself to make future purchases. Apparently I am not. We played it, and the sound was very good. Like the numerous address strips and calendars we get from various organizations, i respond to some but not all. Not all requests are valid, of course, but how does one tell?
As I write this, Ike is pounding the coast of Texas and Louisiana. We lived in Arkansas once, and i remember one storm which roared through the area, sending me home from work to check on my children. Luckily, the baby-sitter had taken them to a shelter, and i drove back to work with trees falling and windows shattering all around me. Not as bad as Galveston, but scary enough that I still remember it.
i have lived in Wisconsin, Washington D.C., New york City, California, Alaska, Arkansas, Germany, and finally back to California again, where we have taken root. We have lived in California since 1959 and here we will stay. Take care.

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