Sunday, June 7, 2009

This and that

@!!###@@!!! I am back on my walker again. That's what I get for bragging about using my cane. No, I didn't stumble or fall - I just can't walk well. One leg keeps buckling under me. The walker helps, though.
We got busy today and sawed out two boards to use in the bathroom for baseboards, and gave them couple coats of paint and tomorrow we will glue them in place, then all we have to do is put a line of grout down in front of the tub, in case water gets spilled. Things are moving along.
We had a little red fox in our driveway yesterday. He had been at the neighbors house, eating out of the cat dish on the deck, and then came over to us. He didn't come in, though, but went on down to the house next to us. He looked like a baby to us, maybe his mother has decided to wean him.
We had soup and toasted cheese sandwiches for dinner, my favorite food. Now we are going to listen to a book tape in front of the wood stove. Kaya keeps going in there and flopping down in front of it, so we'll give her a treat.
Our next-door neighbors are grandparents now - their first grandchild. We got the news from Doris. A little girl.
Well, goodnight all. Keep in touch.

1 comment:

Randi said...

Hey, take don't want to fall again and make things worse! Glad you're getting your bathroom done.