Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Big Race

What a pleasant day! We watched the Belmont races most of the day, of course hoping that Mine the Bird would win, and disappointed when he only came in third. It was fun, though, and restful, as I reclined on the sofa most of the time when I watched. I try to watch all of the big races, and don't usually forget. My neighbor watches, too, and makes sure I remember.
We chanced upon a program featuring the big bands of the thirties and forties, and had fun watching for a couple of hours. It is after ten now, and my bed is calling me. I have it all fixed up with warm blankets and a radio at hand so I can listen to Coast to Coast until I fall asleep.
I am going to try to write every night, as in a journal, to keep a kind of history of my life from now on. Let's see how well I keep my resolve! Bye.

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