Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A momentous event

Well, A momentous evening. We didn't even clear away all of the dinner dishes, but plunked ourselves down in front of the television, awaiting the results of the election. Finally, at 9:35 Pacific time, it finally played itself out. McCain gave a remarkably gracious concession speech and Obama gave one of his usual rousing orations. I admit to being relieved that it is all over and we can go back to the even tenor of our lives. Do I expect great changes in the economy or our country's conduct of the conflicts here and there in the world? No, I can't say I do. But life will go on, and other exciting things will happen again. I am glad I was here to witness tonight's event, anyway.
Take care and keep in touch.

1 comment:

Random Thoughts said...

This really was a day to rewrite the history books for!