Saturday, November 8, 2008

Lefties unite

We have been observing my little great-granddaughter with interest, to see if she is going to be left-handed. It does run in my family, I myself being a lefty. I went into my file of essays and found this little offering, which I wrote for my writing class. So I offer it here.


Left-handed people (lefties) unite! Rise up against the tyranny of the vast multitude of right-handed people! Who are they to dominate us, lording it over us with their right-handed tools and implements?
It’s true that only one person in ten is left-handed. Does that not make us unique? Are we not entitled to consideration and admiration for the way we have learned how to get along with a handicap that is inborn in us, and cannot be changed? Just let a right-handed person try cutting with a left-handed scissors or some other implement designed for lefties. They will know what trouble is.
The list of objects hard for lefties to use is endless. Doorknobs, screwdrivers and screws, telephones, adding machines, computers, letter sorting machines, buttons and buttonholes, vacuum machines, the list goes on and on!
We are especially handicapped because there are so few of us. For the lefties of my generation, it is too late. We have done our reproducing and though we have probably produced our share of lefties, the coming generations can do more. So to any lefty who has not yet married or cohabited , I say this: Only reproduce with other left-handed people. In this way, the balance of power can be shifted. In the next fifty or so generations, we will perhaps have caught up. How does that grab you?`
Though this was written in jest, and I have always been proud of my left-handedness, I know in my heart that the disadvantages do exist. Still, I can't help harboring a secret hope that I have a left-handed little great-granddaughter.

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