Friday, September 3, 2010

Good news and bad news

Hi all! I have good news and bad news today. First, the good news - my leg is getting better. Not completely healed, but i can walk on it again and it only hurts a little. The bad news is that my husband saw the neurosurgeon at UC Med and the risks of closing off his aneurysm outweigh the benefits, so they are going to leave it alone. That will mean that he will still be in danger of the aneurysm bursting, but the chances are good that it won't. Statistically speaking, most aneurysms have no symptoms and if he keeps his blood pressure down, he will be O.K.
We got our new hearing aids! What a joy to be able to hear conversations. Mine fit perfectly, and the sound is crisp and clear.
Wish I had gotten them years ago.
This is the weekend of the neighborhood flea market, which I hope to go to tomorrow. Judy will take us down and I will ride around in my wheelchair. It is a fun time and i get to see most of my neighbors there as well. Take care and keep in touch.

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