Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Hi! Great happiness in my kitchen! My husband brought home from the store a container of California Sushi, my favorite food! I fell upon it with cries of joy and tore open the container and treated myself to a couple of pieces before we even got the rest of the groceries put away. It was delicious. I don't know why, but I dearly love the stuff. I once plopped myself down at a sushi counter and ate over twenty dollars worth before I was satisfied. At that time i didn't know about the Sushi worm and ate whatever appeared before me on the tray. Now i only eat vegetarian Sushi, but it still is good.
A busy day here today, as my husband was seized with a weed-whacking fit and weed whacked himself up and down the hill and down on the flat spot we call the meditation place. He overdoes it, of course, and is moaning and groaning as he hobbles around the house now. When he comes into view with his weed-whacker I go in the house and shut the door. I can't endure seeing my periwinkles and forget- me- nots being cut down and raked up into piles. He, of course, thinks it is all worthwhile.
Well, the health bill has passed, and since i don't have the slightest idea what it is all going to come to, I can neither rejoice or bemoan it. Time will tell. Night all and keep in touch.

1 comment:

Dieverdog said...

I'm not that keen on sushi, though I did have it for the first time just a few years ago. I admit I did like it better than I had imagined and have had a few times since. I don't know about that worm thing - not sure I want to know.... sounds like it might be gross.

Like you I'm not sure what the health bill will bring (other than more arguing!) but I hope it will help some people - there sure needs to be some reform (well a lot really) and we have to start somewhere. I don't see why so many are hell-bent on stopping it other than due to their big egos and political in-fighting. But as you say - time will tell as with most things. I think the older one gets the more you see that perspective on things. A lot of things don't always pan out the way we think they will.