Monday, February 2, 2009

this blog has objectionable content

When I clicked onto my blog, I saw a sentence directly above my blogspot, in blue print, saying "You clicked onto this blog as having objectionable content." Ye Gods! What have i done now? I scrolled down a few blogs and saw nothing particualrly objectionable, having been rather benign for the last few blogs. But what did it mean? Did it mean that someone else found my blog objectionable? Or had I inadvertently pushed the wrong key and marked another blog as being objectionable?
I do try to be entertaining, titillating even, since that is the purpose of blogging. But I couldn't for the life of me think what had prompted that sentence to appear. Does anyone who reads my blogs know the meaning of that misterious sentence?
Since i am an old lady, I have of course experienced many things, most of which were perfectly innocent. My husband and I were very young and inexperienced when we married, and as far as I know, we were faithful to one another. i used to compete in public speaking and was not above telling jokes, some with shocking content, but i try to control myself in my blogs. So I throw myself on the mercy of my readers. Was it my essay on feet? Or my story of the beauty contest? Or is that mysterious sentence just a mistake? Let me know. I will await enlightenment eagerly. Take care and keep in touch.

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