Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Memorable Day

Seated comfortably on my sofa, with a heating pad on my feet and covered with a blanket, I watched in awe at history being made at the inauguration. All those millions of people, jammed together in the cold, watching probably one of the most talented speakers in the world deliver his inauguration speech was a glorious sight. But as usual, a contrary thought popped into my mind. Will his legacy fulfill his promising start? i remembered that President Truman was an inept speaker, hardly able to stir up his audience to any kind of enthusiasm, but he is remembered as a strong and farseeing president. President Grant could hardly be called an inspiring orator, but he was a much-loved president. So time will tell.
Sometimes at night, we listen to a radio program called Coast-To-Coast radio, and the speakers quite often regale us with what can only be called far-out tales. Tonight we are hearing about the New Jersey Devil. Sometimes I listen for half the night. It is a good way to spend a sleepless night, better than lying sleepless in the dark. They haven't told us yet what or who the Devil is, so we have to wait to find out.
This has been a most enjoyable day. Take care and keep in touch.

1 comment:

Random Thoughts said...

It was a remarkable day! The older students in my school (pre-K and Kindergarten) gathered round screens to watch President Obama take his oath. My students are just too young to understand that instead of lunch they get to watch a man on t.v. So with the help of today's technology I watched his oath and speech the next day before a mid afternoon nap.