Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A day of worry

If you had come to our house yesterday morning, you would have seen my husband and myself walking carefully around the rooms, heads down, eyes on the floor. The reason we were involved in this behavior was because our old cat was having a digestive episode, and had left evidence of this distressing condition here and there on the floor. We could only clean up after her and try to comfort her as best we could. She is almost 25 and we monitor her condition fearfully, always expecting the worst. One day she went outside and didn't come back until late at night. We were up and down the hill looking for her and actually were somewhat surprised when she showed up.
Today has been a day of worry as well, as a close family member has been hospitalized with a serious illness, and we are much concerned. We hope all will be well and the patient will be back home soon. Good medical care is being provided and we can only wait and hope for the best.
In spite of everything, time is flying by and the weather today was delightful. The sun shone brilliantly and everything was sparkling and clean. Our little boxer dog made innumerable trips up and down the hill and is now ensconced beside the heater in the family room, enjoying a well-earned rest. Take care, dear friends, and keep in touch.


Random Thoughts said...

So sorry to hear about the kitty cat. It is difficult to see a loved one (pet or human) suffer. I hope the kitty is feeling better soon. I am confused if the family member is the cat or someone in addition to the cat. Either way pace and hope and pray and do what you need to do to lighten your load of worry.

Grandma Dottie said...

Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. The family member is a person, dear to our hearts. We are pleased to say both the kitty and the person are improved and we hope the future is bright for them both.