Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Big Game

Here i am, back again. No, I haven't been ill, just lazy. We watched the super-bowl today, quite exciting although I found the commercials to be distracting. The red super-bowl logo that kept flashing up on the screen was particularly annoying. We wanted the Saints to win, though, so we were happy with their victory. When i went to college all those years ago, seventy years actually, it was my assignment to write up the football games for the school paper, and i had a great time after the games extracting the pertinent information from the team members. It was a small college then, all in one building, but now it is a big university and fills several large buildings. It took little effort to be admitted to that little school, as all one needed was the tuition and a place to stay, but now it is quite an accomplishment to pass the entrance exams.
The same is true of Sonoma State University, a huge complex. It too started out as just one building. Now it resembles a city, and not a small one either.
We ate rather late, waiting until the game was over. I just made frozen shrimp, baked potato and small peas. My husband can eat with gusto whatever I put on the table, and I managed to eat a little. Now we are going to watch the movie "Amelia" which should be very good. Take care, and let me hear from you!

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