Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A messy job

Today my husband and I did something that no one likes to do - we cleaned out the coils of the refrigerator and pulled it out and cleaned under and behind it. It certainly benefited the refrigerator, but sure made a mess of my kitchen floor. My husband very generously offered to mop the floor for me, but after swiffering it a couple of times, it looked pretty good, so I persuaded him to let it be. It was time to have dinner anyway, and then we were so tired we just cleaned up the dishes and collapsed in front of the TV. It is a fact that many people never clean their refrigerators, leading to totally clogged motors. Ours was making a funny noise, but sounds better now.
We must be doing late fall cleaning, since I have bestirred myself and cleaned out my filing cabinet, burning and throwing out a fairly large box of papers. We threw caution to the wind and threw away all of the real estate documents for both the cabin and a house we once owned in Marin County. A little voice in the back of my head warns me that we might want to look something up sometime and the papers will be gone, but it was a choice we made and it is too late to turn back now.
It has been pretty cold here this week, and we are going through our wood faster than we expected, but boy, does that wood fire feel good. Well, that is all for tonight - keep in touch!

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