Monday, April 6, 2009

The Class Reunion

The letter came a couple of days ago - my invitation to my class reunion, celebrating our graduation in 1940 - 69 years ago!
I went in search of my yearbook, but unfortunately it has gone missing, hardly surprising in such a long time. It doesn't matter, however, since in my mind's eye I can picture the old school building and my classmates as clearly as if it were only yesterday.
When I started as a freshman, I was the only new member in my class. The rest had been in grade school together and had simply moved up from the first floor to the second, hardly a big move. For me, however, coming from a small country school with only twelve or so students, it was quite a change. I didn't know how to play basketball, a big deal in that school, and had never played baseball, done gymnastics or been on the track team. My sister, my two cousins and I had to walk four miles to get to school, and in the winter we would arrive almost frozen.
I wasn't exactly a social success, being shy and somewhat withdrawn. Also, since we got to school just before classes started and left immediately afterward,, we had little chance to socialize. Evening events were impossible, so we missed out on sporting events or class plays and hardly kept up on class gossip. I can't say that I enjoyed my high school experience, and once I left to go to college, I never went back. But now I am reading the letter with interest.
There will be graduates from as long ago as 1934. Bertha Miller, who married my distant cousin "Happy" Chatterson, will be representing that class. I remember them both well. My cousin Joyce will represent the class of 1939. There is also a list of the deceased, which includes Marjorie Miller and Eva Baldwin. The list is incomplete of course, as the committee does not have contact with all of the graduates. I remember Eva Baldwin as a very plucky child of the times, ready to try anything.
Did I distinguish myself in High School? I was valedictorian and played in the marching band, but that was about all. I blossomed in college but that is another story. That was a long time ago, but does anyone ever forget high school?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not really. Enjoyed your essay