Saturday, December 29, 2007

learning to cook

I went onto the internet this afternoon and found all kinds of recipes for scalloped potatoes. 'There was even one by Juiia Childs, a bit complicated but it sounded good. I settled for one titled "old-fashioned scalloped potatoes". I shoved it into the oven where it is cooking even as I type.
My mother was a superb cook and how she knew all of the recipes she cooked up I do not know. Her own mother died when she was eleven so she really had no one to teach her, but I never knew her to cook something we didn't like. She had to be creative because her available ingredients were somewhat limited. Mostly she cooked what we raised on the farm. We especially liked her baked beans and pork spareribs.
We are having a quiet evening. Good-night to all.

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